Upcoming Alumni Events
Thursday June 20 to Sunday June 23, 2024 - Reed's River Ranch - Annual Meeting & Summer Pike Party
Calling ALL Iota Theta Pike Alumni. Put this now 4-day event (was 3 days) on your 2024 calendar and rally your brothers! This will be the ~14th year of old friends getting together to meet and make new friends at a private ranch. Greg Reed (Alpha class) has hosted his ranch to fish, play cornhole and volleyball, socialize, wakesurf and waterski, eat well, drink plenty and escape the pressure of life. New pool installed in 2019! Come one, come many! We all were Pikes at Cal Poly - SLO. It's a great time! You can sleep under the stars or in the house-we have TONS of room (incl RV space)! A Facebook event will be created in our alumni Facebook group, so please RSVP there and if not on FB then contact Karl email info@iotathetapikes.com. Groups come in from SoCal and NorCal, and some from out of state, so GET THERE PRONTO!
When? Thursday June 20, 2024 2pm to Sunday June 23, 2024 10am
Where? 19554 Yosemite Blvd, Waterford, CA 95386
Here are some pictures from past events